Trusted product sustainability ratings. Always.
Discover how sustainable your purchases are. Experiment with new alternatives.
Join 80,000 Impact-ers who are already making a difference
Every purchase you make (even who you buy it from) makes a difference to people, animals and the planet.
You decide if that difference is a positive… or not.

Make a positive difference in just 2 steps with our award winning app
Discover – scan or search for any supermarket product to see its health & sustainability credentials across 14 different measures
Experiment – try an alternative to the products you normally buy, one with a better Impact Score®
83% of users changed their mind about buying a product after seeing its Impact Score®
In a world of greenwashing, we know living more sustainably is hard, so we worked with academics to create a trusted source of product sustainability ratings.
App 2.0, personalised score and greater influence
Sustainability means different things to each of us. For some its greenhouses gases. For others its animal welfare. It can be nutritional value and harmful additives. And many want to know the farmers, pickers and packers are earning a decent wage and working in good conditions.
We are working with University of Chester to create app 2.0, to give you a more personalised experience. To make it even easier lower your impact on the planet and increase your influence over brands and retailers.

A bit about us
We are a small team, building a big community that is fighting for our planet and the people on it…
Josh & Ian founded Impact Score – one day they wanted to know if the local coffee chain was paying a fair share of tax, and it snowballed from there!
Holly has been here from the start, does the social media and works with our University partners to develop the app.
Jack is an absolute whizz with data. He joins all the dots so we can do the ratings and pull the information so brands and retailers know where to improve.
Elle & Josie are researching the new measures and new sectors we might want to do next.
Justin – because we don’t charge for the app, he looks at ways we can fund it.

Our relationship with Harper Adams University (HAU)
While we work with a few Uni’s, HAU is our key partner to review the ratings methodology. We also collaborate with them to develop new sustainability measures.
Some of our friends and partners
We work with over 30 partners to rate products, brands and companies for their sustainability credentials. Some of them are shown here.

Can my small changes really make a difference?
Absolutely. As an individual, every purchase matters. But becoming part of the Impact Score® community your voice is amplified. Our ratings and community purchases are available to retailers and brands on aggregated / anonymised basis, so they can see for themselves the numbers of people who are turning to more sustainable products, which in turn influences their product development and supply chain management.
Why did you choose those measures?
In short, because everyone has a different idea of what sustainability is. However, these measures aren’t static. We are excited to have partnered with Harper Adams University to continuously investigate new data, new food production methodologies and new measurements we can bring to our community. Our users repeatedly tell us that don’t want us to group together measures, they want to choose the measure that they care about.
If the app is free, how do you get paid?
Well, so far we been doing this from our own pockets. But with App 2.0 we need to find way for the app to financially stand on its own two feet. We have started to sell product rating data to brands – to enable them to compare themselves and improve their sustainability credentials. Our Impact Score® will always remain independent.
How does the rating system work?
In the app itself, behind each badge icon is an explanation of how the award of that badge is calculated. But in summary there are 2 key areas we work on:
- The business level – we look at how a business performs overall, such as its CO2 emissions, its gender pay gap, whether it pays the Real Living Wage
- At product level – this is a mix of the product being certified (for example by RSPCA assured, the Soil Association), and an examination of ingredients and packaging to determine its relevance to and award of the 14 measures we have
We have worked with Harper Adams University to develop the methodology and we are continuously extending and improving the measures we have to ensure this is still relevant to our community over time.
Who are you?
We are just normal people who wanted to know how sustainable the products and companies we buy from are. It’s a small team passionate about our planet and the people on it and working with some incredible people who care as much as we do.
What is your vision?
We get frustrated when companies ‘greenwash’ and when our users say they don’t trust what companies tell them. At the heart of what we do is giving consumers the power to make informed decisions by comparing products or businesses on a like for like basis.
The biggest influence we can have is harnessing our community voice to drive businesses to change their behaviour. Use your collective behaviour and spending power to drive that change.
So the grand plan is the Impact Score® of everything. Anything that can be bought; beans, a car, a phone, even an insurance product can have an Impact Score®. We have started with food and drink as that has a massive impact, we will build-out from there as our community demands it.
I love this, can I get involved?
We would love you to. We are always looking for help and support. Drop us a note through the contact form, let us know what you are interested in and where you think you can help – we will get back to you asap.
Be part of the Impact-er community looking out for our planet and its people.
Wherever you are on your sustainability journey, we have more impact together. Please….
- Use the app – the more products are checked the more influence we have on brands and retailers
- Sign-up to our newsletter (it’s an email once a month)
- Spread the word – tell your friends, family and colleagues about what you are doing
- Talk to your employers – they may want to help